I woke up this morning at 7:30(I got a little snooze happy and slept in). Then me and my roommate marveled on how it was only Tuesday and tried to remember which classes we had. We then went about our way to get ready for school; we got dressed, cleaned up a little bit, ate breakfast, made lunch, and gathered our school stuff. My roommates and I left the apartment at 8:05 and drove to school together. Upon arriving at the school(8:15-8:20) we carried all our stuff downstairs to the AIM room and set our bags at which ever seats we wanted to sit in. Today I sat in the back corner between Sarah McD. and Trenton (two of my good friends.) I then grabbed my lunch, Bible, Journal, and writing pen and climbed the stairs again to head to the small chapel where the women meet on Tuesday. Tuesday is the only day Guys and Gals have separate Chapel service. I greeted and hugged Ms. Donna and the other ladies that are standing by the door and then slipped off through the other door of the chapel into a little foyer/kitchenette where there is a fridge for students to keep their lunches in. Today, I saw a couple of the other AIMer's who had just discovered the coffee machine back there and were fixing themselves some drinks(the machine in the AIM classroom broke, and the pitcher broke on the replacement we bought.) After depositing my lunch, I returned to the chapel room and took a seat. Women's Chapel is a nice service that gives us younger ladies a chance to learn wisdom from the older ladies and to practice serving ourselves. All the ladies associated with SIBI come, AIMers, preaching students, and faculty. Today we heard a lesson on forgiveness from Mrs. Merilana who works in the financial office.
On my way back to the classroom after Chapel, I spotted one of the church ladies struggling with some groceries she was carrying, so I offered to help get them to their intended destination. After helping her with that load, I asked if there were anymore she needed brought in. There was, of course, so she sent me out to her car with her keys. The only description she gave me of her car was it was in the handicap section and I wasn't sure where that was. So I walked out the main front doors of Sunset and hoped for some inspiration. The handicap section wasn't exactly where I thought it was, but it was close enough that it was easy to find. Then, since she had given my her automatic door key, I just hit the unlock button a few times till I saw the lights on her car blink. After carrying half a dozen loads of groceries(I think this lady was organizing Christmas care packages for missionaries...) I was paid in 4 packages of "Grandma's" cookies (those soft ones from Frito Lay). Then my friend Whitney asked me to help her carry some stuff down to the classroom for her.
The first class on Tuesdays in Spiritual Disciplines taught by Pat Schaefer and Cory Burns, but Pat was out of town, so Cory taught class by himself. After this class we have lunch, today I ate with Angel, Christy, and Cory Burns. Then we have Evangelism with Chris Swinford (today, we all surprised Chris by sitting on the floor round him, which he took in good stride) followed by Acts with Ray Young. Ray let us out half an hour early today, for which we were grateful!
After class I drove home with my roommates, arriving there shortly after 4:00. We had planned to eat Cornflake Chicken(I'll post the recipe sometime... maybe...) for dinner, so I started to look for a recipe when I got home. I though I remembered having this recipe when I was little, so I called Dad and a couple of my siblings looking for the recipe. They didn't all answer their phones right away, but they called me through out the day(also, none of them remember making or eating Cornflake Chicken at any point of time). One of my roommates had to go to a Bible study, so I started the chicken cooking at 5:00, so it would be done about 6:00 when she got home. I also started some carrots boiling with a couple cilantro leaves. When we prepare a meal for the whole apartment, we try to sit down and eat together. However, as I started cooking I along with the calls from my siblings, I received a text from my small group leader informing me it was my turn to bring a snack for small group. So I pulled out my recipe for Sopapillas. With dinner in the oven, I started heating up the oil for frying and cut out a few small practice rounds of dough to test the temperature of the grease. The first one came out like a nice little donut(like what they serve at Chinese restaurants), so I decided to make donuts. But I had a tough time getting the next few rounds to come out like the first. That's when my oil started smoking, so I pulled it off and turned off the burner. When the oil had cooled a little, I started attempting to cook donuts again and this time succeeded. However, I was way behind on my time schedule and Sarah had returned from her Bible study and the chicken was done. So as my roommates ate, I continued to cook. I ended up running a little late for small group,which we have every Tuesday at 7pm, but our group never starts on time anyways. One of the assistants brought Hot Chocolate for drink and that went perfectly with the donuts.
I returned from Small Group after 9pm and ate dinner and cleaned the kitchen.It is, of course, my job to wash all the dishes that don't go into the dishwasher(such as pans) since I use them the most(I do most of the cooking because my roommates don't like to). By the time I finished and got to sit down, it was just after 10pm.
So thus I decided to write up this post while the day was still fresh in my day. While I was writing my brother Dwight called me, and we talked for awhile. Now, I intend to take a shower and go to bed so that I can wake up in the morning and do some homework. I find it easier to do academic work in the morning before the chores pile in and I get myself into a hard work mood.
(I forgot to mention how we spilled a cup of milk and had to clean the carpet afterwards... also, writing this post reminded me of one of my favorite childhood books Fortunately by Remy Charlip)