Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Artam Adventure Log!

This morning before prayer time, Aliona called us and asked us to take care of the dog that she's dog-sitting. She has to go to the hospital or something. We didn't really understand...  After a couple of phone calls with Rob and the landlord, we now have a temporary pooch...  His name is Artam and he only understands Chinese...

I went to fetch him and his gear after prayer time. Of course, I made sure that he took care of the necessary business before bringing him home.
When we got back to the house I let him off the lead to explore a little. Since EJ's room was closest, he started there. EJ inquired about how trained he was, I don't know why she thought I should know I've seen the dog twice!  But I responded that he should be fairly well trained, and at least house broken. He immediately proceeded to walk to EJ's curtain and mark it as his own. So, uh, yeah...

When Jordan got back from the weekly basketball game the first words out of her mouth were "Oh! I already forgot about you! You're so cute!" She apparently likes the dog.

16.00 (4 July, 2012)
Sitting at home waiting for my friend Anya to get here from Kramatorsk. The dog seems to enjoy just being near people. It also has this plastic carrot that it likes. It left it on my bed...

16.30 (4 July, 2012)
Ok, so Anya was already here when I made that last log...  She was in EJ's room this whole time. I was sitting here at my computer waiting when the doorbell rang. I thought it was her so I jumped up to answer it. But lo, there she was answering the door before I could get there... It was Caleb at the door coming over to give Victoria(who was studying the Bible with EJ) a guitar lesson. The dog really didn't like Caleb at first and just kept barking at him. Eventually Caleb gave up and went to go sit in the kitchen and Artam came up and sniffed his feet and was suddenly ok.

Time to go out for a walk.  It's just gonna be a short one this time, because I promised Anya she could walk with me after she got home from church in Alexsaska.

18.00 (4 July, 2012)
We stayed outside for a long time because I found a nice place to sit with some long grass. While we sat there, I started weaving the grass into a small basket. I didn't finish but it was good practice. On the way home I bought some Kabachok and Artam protected me from an old man that was passing by. *embarrassing!* As we walked down the street I was continuously haunted by the the Russian word for dog as everybody was very interested in this new development.

18:18 (4 July, 2012)
Artam just pounced on his carrot. I'm starting to suspect some cat in his lineage...

18.30 (4 July, 2012)
Jordan officially like his under-bite. She thinks it's cute?
She has also declared that he will be going home tomorrow because she will only like him for today...

22.00 (4 July, 2012)
As Jordan and I tucked ourselves into bed, I noticed that he was missing from the room and asked Jordan about him. We walked down the hall and found him at the junction between the front door and the bathroom. We carried him back into the room and set him on Jordan's bed so she could cuddle with him. (There's also more room at the foot of her bed...)
Now he's back on the floor sleeping in our doorway. I guess he's not one of those bed sleeping dogs.

6 July, 2012
Artam finally went home with Aliona. He was so excited, we could hardly give him his goodbye pats, let alone put the leash on him.

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