Monday, September 6, 2010

Labour Day Week

We've been given Labour day off, so we spent the day at Shannon B's house. I'm rather convinced right now that Shannon's mother is God-sent. She let us take over her house for the entire day and she fed us! Most of the AIM class(and a few assistants) spent the day eating and swimming. Kris and Barb(have I mentioned them before? They're the directors of AIM) stopped by to check on us and so we got to hear some fun motorcycle stories.
The pool was the perfect temperature, so we spent most of our time in it. Since the pool was 12 feet deep at one end, some of the boys practiced their front and back flips and tried to teach some of us girls. I, apparently, am not a natural so I'll be practicing a little more... We also played King/Queen of the floating raft and had several splash skirmishes. A few of the boys decided at one point that they wanted to make human towers and started climbing on each other's shoulders. It was quite a sight to see, even if they never managed to get higher than three people. After that, they tried out some risky, new ways to jump into the pool(including linking arms and on each other's shoulders). About this time, the girls were quite sick of the daring dos and asked the boys to stop. Which resulted in the boys throwing volleyballs at each other...
We were served a large variety of fruits, vegetables, and chips through out the day; we were encouraged to eat lots since you can't gain weight from such things(Ok, maybe the chips...). Dinner came in two parts. First we were served Baked Ziti and then later we were given Tortilla Soup. For dessert, we had ice cream and fruit cobbler.

Tomorrow morning, we're leaving for a retreat up at Mountain View and we'll get back on Friday.

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